Developed from Jacuba Founder Michael Wynter’s core values, partnership intentions are examined through our simple form. Deeper insight is then translated into lasting more meaningful connections.
Scheduling with Calendly Automation
Using our proven dating techniques, we set up a personalized appointments at locations nearby that allow you to explore your values, in order to make dating a simpler, almost automatic process.
How the Questionnaire Works
Section No. 1 : Guilt
Guilt Questions: Rationale: The reason “guilt” is at the heart of the Values Questionnaire, is because it reveals delinquent character or those who would do nothing if confronted with a challenge.
Have you given thought to prioritizing your values; and if so, what’s the order” Ideal Answer: My order of Values to Achieve Desires: 1. Commitment, 2. Dedication, 3. Understanding Empathy about Every Statement, 4. Actual Support for the Vision of Each Other, 5. Integrity, about Values, and 6 Honesty with Each Other.
Could you adopt my Desired Lifestyle?
Ideal Answer: During child rearing: 41 – 45: Expansion of Positivity Market, Hiring, Inventory Purchases; 46 – 50: Real Estate investments, Annual Vacations. 51 – 60: Always on vacation – work remotely. After child rearing: (65+:Always on vacation – work remotely.
How would you serve our family?
Ideal Answer: My ideal partner must be willing to -Act as the Senior Vice President of Operations (for the purpose of learning practices in order to teach kids); Explicitly Teach the Kids:1. Family Values 2. The family business practices 3. Cooking and service by priority of importance (Father, then mother, then kids) 4. Hygiene and Cleaning.
Our consultation services, assesses your preferences then offers guidance to compatible partnership.